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The funny story of my broken backpack

damaged backpack
damaged backpack


You know that moment of relief when you collect your baggage after a flight?

Well, that was not the case for me when I arrived at Kuala Lumpur International Airport…

I usually travel with a backpack, and I know that it could get trapped into some machinery, so I always protect it with a good amount of plastic wrap.

When I checked in, the employee of Turkish Airlines also suggested I put my backpack into a plastic bag to protect it even more, and I though it was fine.

Nevertheless, when I collected it after 24 hours I discovered it got totally broken.

20th of July, 2018


As you can see in the picture, all the protection was gone, the tissues were tore apart and also some clothes that I had inside got damaged.

The first thing that I did was going to the proper counter, where an employee filled out a reclamation form for me and assured me that they would give me another backpack in a couple of days...guess what? No one showed up since then, nobody ever cared to reply to my emails and answer the phone.

So I called Turkish Airlines’ costumer care, and someone told me to bay a new backpack and new clothes and send them the invoice to get a refund from them. I also had to fill in a form from their web page…. guess what? The form doesn’t work, and I’m not going to buy a new backpack until they give a written confirmation that they are willing to refund me.

Then I contacted the airline via facebook, they said they would get in contact with me as soon as possible…. Guess what? No news.

Last, I contacted the Italian branch of the company...guess what? Still no news.

What next?

As I had to go on with my journey I desperately needed a backpack, but I didn’t want to waste time and money to buy a new one , so I just bought a handkerchief and sewed it over the damaged part...This is what I call problem solving :-), I now appreciate all that sad years spent at the elementary school with the nuns, at least I learned how to sew.

Of course this is just an emergency resort, I hope I will get a reply from the airport or the company, I find this situation totally disgusting, I will keep you updated.

25th of July, 2018


UPDATE: just got a call from Turkish Airlines...they are going to give me another backpack but just if I am in Kuala Lumpur.... guess what? I'm not there anymore.

I've asked for a money refund, no news till now.


Have you ever had problems like this? What happened? Any advice?



Great news!!!

After weeks and weeks of messages, letters and phone calls I got 60 dollars from Turkish Airlines as a compensation for the damage!


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