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Arashiyama Monkey Park

mother monkey arashiyama
Mother and child


Our trip to Japan was marked by hunger and sweat, but we also had the opportunity to live many unforgettable moments.

This visit to Arashiyama was our best day trip from Kyoto, we enjoyed the day and we now carry a sweet memory of this experience 🙂

We had the opportunity to spend time roaming around free monkeys (I know, we always meet monkeys everywhere we go, we love them), have a nice walk and enjoy the views.

First of all, even if it was really (believe me when I say it) hot, we didn't mind walking our way up the hill.

If you like hiking you can't miss this easy but pleasant nature trail.

Along the path you'll find some advice and information about the monkeys in sweet typical Japanese manga style .

I loved it! Don't worry about the difficulty if I've done it 🙂 just wear  comfortable shoes - definitely avoid flip-flops, sandals and heels- and bring A LOT of water with you

Advice Arashiyama
Useful piece of advice


The best part about climbing up a hill is the view of the surroundings from above. Arashiyama Monkey Park is not an exception.

The fatigue of hiking disappear once you reach the top, where the air is a bit fresher and you can restore both body and mind, take some good finally meet the monkeys!!

top of the hill Arashiyama
Top of the hill


As I mentioned before, we love monkeys, we travel everywhere especially to see wildlife, and these cute animals are our favourite.

Here in Arashiyama you can see some of them during the hiking but the huge population resides on the top of the hill ,where they like to bath  in the little lake.

Once you get there, you can watch them leaping from the rocks and swim, it's so cool!

Arashiyama Monkey Park is a place where monkeys are protected in their environment, you can't pet them and you can only feed them from a special little house: you can go inside, buy some peanuts and give them to the monkeys from a grid. In other words...You will be inside a "cage" and the monkeys will be free to come and take your food if they feel like it.

It is not permitted to feed them outside but you may get pretty close to them anyway.

Monkeys at the lake
Monkeys at the lake

How to get there


You can easily reach Arashiyama from Kyoto both by train and by bus.

Train: Sagano line

Bus: many lines connect Arashiyama with several parts of Kyoto, however, it is recommended to access the city by train to avoid the risk of getting stuck in traffic.

map arashiyama transportation
Transportation map



To access the park we had to buy a ticket for around 550 yen, but that was in 2016.





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